Configuring the Quote Package

Configuring the Quote Package

As outlined in the Quotes - An Introduction section, the first step in creating a new Quote is to create the Quote Package.  

If creating the Quote Package from a Funnel item, the New Opportunity Wizard wll be displayed.  See the New Opportunity Wizard section for instructions on this process.

If creating the Quote from an existing Opportunity or a Customer (by clicking the "New Quote" link), the New Quote Wizard will be displayed immediatly (bypassing the New Opportunity Wizard)

In either case, the New Quote Package Wizard will appear as shown below.

Step 1 - Configuring the Package Header & Select Services to Quote

Complete the required fields in the Package Header as follows:

Configure the Services that are to be quoted.  This process is the exact same as the New Order Package process and should be familiar to current users of iPath:

Clicking the "+" icon at the bottom of the Services grid will allow you to add additional Services to be quoted.


Upon completing all required fields and the Services to Quote, click the Next>> button.  The following Quote Configuration will be displayed as shown below.

Step 2 - Configure Quotes

Each Service selected on the Package Header window will generate a Quote in the Package.  So, if two services are selected, there will be two Quotes in the Package.  As seen above, the title of the page is "Step 2 Configure Quotes - Quote 1 of 2 - Configure DIA - Carrier Covad - Account XYZ Company".  This indicates that you are configuring the first Quote in the Package.

Enter the required fields as indicated below:

To configure the first Quote, click the "Configure" link.  The Pricing Attributes, Features and Pricing will be displayed as shown below:

Select the required attributes for the Service.  These will in some cases determine additional MRC or NRC charges.

Entering & Adjusting Pricing on a Quote

There are two basic types of Prices in iPath: Prices that are margin based and require a Cost to be entered, and standard Pricing this already determined.  Examples of the former are mostly Loop pricing where we cannot know in advance the Loop price for a circuit.  In these cases, you will be required to enter the cost in the Cost field.  The margin percentage will be pre-populated but can be adjusted to determine the final price.

The other type of Prices are standard pricing, where the Pricing catalog will present the final price of the service.  In these cases Margin cannot be adjusted, but the final prices can be.

Enter the Cost (for cost-based pricing) or adjust the margin.  For certain services (e.g. where there is a Local Loop price and an MRC price, the pricing is "bundled" into a total row on the Pricing section.  To adjust the Margin in these cases, simply adjust the margin on the Total row (the margin in the other pricing components will not be able to be adjusted in iPath.


For some services, Features are available as options.  As shown below, selecting a feature will add an additional pricing component(s):

Optional Charges

In some cases, Optional Charges may need to be applied.  For example, an Expedite charge would need to be added.  To add an Optional Charge, click the "Optional Charge" link and select the Optional Charge from the drop-down list.  A section to add a comment is also provided.

Configuring Quotes with Multiple Quantities

In some cases (e.g quoting 4 Local Lines) it is easier to configure all the inventory on the Quote at once.  iPath has a "Configure Multiple" feature to speed up this process.

To configure pricing for multiple items on a Quote, click the "Check All" checkbox as shown below, and then click the Configure Multiple button as shown below:

Upon clicking the Configure Multiple button, the following window will appear:

Click the checkbox next to each Attribute/Feature that you want to apply to all items, then click the Apply button. The checked items will now be configured for each Item on the Quote.

Upon completing the Pricing for all Quotes click the Finish button, the Edit Quote window will be displayed.  See the Editing Quote Packages section for further instructions.