Viewing Quote Ts&C's

Terms & Conditions on Quote Packages are viewed and editing (available to Executive Management) be selecting the T&C tab on the Edit Quote Package window.  

The Terms & Conditions in a Quote Package will vary depending on the Services chosen in the Package.  Some services will share the same Ts&C's so there may be only one.

Executive Management has the ability to edit the Ts&C's on a Quote Package.  Should this be required, see a member of the Executive Management team.

NOTE: it is important to realize that upon editing Ts&C's for a specific customer, the modified Ts&C's will apply to all future Service Orders for the Customer (that are for the same service).  This is a beneficial feature as it eliminates the need to have to pull up old SO's and it ensures vCom's Service Orders are consistent for each Customer.

To View/Edit a specific T&C, select the desired T&C from the T&C tab as shown below:

The following window will be displayed:

NOTE: The image above shows and "editable" version of the T&C's.  This will allow Executive Management to edit the Ts&C's for this Package.  All future Quotes for this Customer will use the same customized Ts&C's.